Services Provided

Family Tree Building


I will help you with tips and pointers to get you started.

Help Detangling Branches


Do you have brick walls you can't get over? I love helping others over those walls by using your DNA matches.

Client Testimonials

To be added later!

To be added later!

DNA Match Analysis


I can help you analyze your closest matches from the various DNA testing companies and give advice on which company matches your needs most.

Adoptee Specialist


I was adopted and remember how confused I was when my DNA results first arrived in my account. My specialty is helping you make sense of your results.



Whether your goal is to finally have a medical history or if you are looking to meet biological family, I can help you with the questions and the connections.

Where are you in the process?

Have you picked a DNA testing company?

Do you want my help?

If you need it, I make a great go-between for  you and your biological family!

Contact Us

Drop us a line!

MJMW Genetic Genealogy

(202) 550-4922